Monday 25 January 2010

Election Protection

I was immensely pleased when I found someone selling political condoms on the street last week, so much so that I bought a few overpriced johnnies in a move so optimistic, it can be compared to Mr Obama's presidential campaign.

I'd read about the 'Election Protection' range a while back, but decided against making a purchase, but when I saw that there was also a Sarah Palin edition (for 'when abortion is not an option') I thought I'd pay the $10 for a set.

If you look at the photos, you'll see they've all got jokes on the packet, though at first I felt they'd missed a trick by not including 'When it comes to sex, NO means YES WE CAN', until I realized how rapey that sounds.

Anyway, all we need now is some Hilary Clinton spermicide, and a diaphragm shaped like McCain's bald spot, and we're ready to go.

Edit: Anyone who says there's already a Joe Biden douche, I thought of it first.

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